About Me

“I Can Only Tell You About Myself”

My name is Lital Elinger. I was born in Tel Aviv, in the neighborhood of Florentin, amidst all the small workshops that used to be there in those days, such as upholstery workshops, carpentry, thread and rubber factories, bakeries, etc.

There were simple, creative, and lively people there who engaged in manual labor and filled the bustling streets in the southern part of the white city with their blessed activity.

The atmosphere and joie de vivre of that place shaped me as a creative Israeli artist. I chose this path for my personal growth.

Since my childhood, I have been passionate about the array of different materials and paints that surrounded me, leaving their mark on me.

The experience of expressing my inner reflections through the process of creating art has been the most important aspect to me, surpassing beauty, aesthetics, therapy, or any other usual association with art. It is the cultivation of gratitude that I offer to you:

through my artworks >>
my workshops >>
and personal emotional therapy.

What is my education?

I learned art at HaMidrasha – Faculty of the Arts;

Art Therapy and Rehabilitation at Wertzberger College;

Awareness Therapy at Dimensions Therapy College.

Over the last few years, I have relocated to the north of Israel, where I found a new path in life from which I’ve learned most of all:

By expanding my attention to organic matters, whether occurring in nature or not;

By following the movement of matter into its natural flow;

By becoming familiar with its characteristics and stretching its limits to a point where its unique potential can be expressed freely, without restrictions.

Along my journey as an artist, I’ve created art in sequences, with each sequence telling a little authentic story that is a part of myself, as a creative Israeli artist.

You’re warmly invited to explore my creations and connect with them using your heart’s wisdom. I would be delighted to read your comments.

Each sculpture is unique and cannot be copied or cloned, as are the collages.

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